Making Wise Decisions
Acts 1:15-26
And they cast their lots, and the lot fell on Matthias. And he was numbered with the eleven apostles (Acts 1:26).
Jesus' ascension was a turning point for Peter, the disciple. You remember Peter, the impulsive carnal disciple who fought violently trying to save Jesus from suffering the death of the cross by cutting off the Roman soldier's ear. His need for people's approval caused him shame and guilt before his peers and the world. This disciple had a change of heart after Jesus' ascension. He stepped up and, in humility, took leadership amongst 120 disciples of Christ in the upper room (vss 21-23). If you ever think God can't use you, ask Him! I promise He will! In the meeting, they discussed the son of perdition, Judas Iscariot, his betrayal, and his violent death by suicide. They also discussed replacing his role as a disciple of Christ with a twelfth person. FYI, “Twelve.—Twelve, as the number of the tribes of Israel according to ancient tradition, became naturally a favourite number among the Jews, especially as it carried with it the suggestion of Divine choice and Divine faithfulness. So it figured in religions ritual, symbolism, and history” (A Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels, Logos software).
Under Peter’s leadership, the disciples chose four godly ways to choose the twelfth disciple, Matthias.
First, they referred to the O.T. as a guide in supporting their decision to replace Judas’ role. They shared a few verses from the Psalms referring to Judas, “Let his dwelling place be desolate, and let no one live in it, and now to the choosing of a twelfth person to dwell with them in Judas’ place, “Let another take his office” (Ps 69:25; Ps 109:8). The Gk word for office would be “episkopen, meaning, a position of overseer” (NKJV Care and Counsel Bible). This counsel supported the idea that Judas’ role needed to be replaced.
What are your first steps in making wise decisions? Consider:
What kind of decision are you trying to make?
What Scriptures reinforce your decision for change?
Do you have God’s peace?
Second, the person chosen would have to be mature in the faith. This person had to identify with Jesus’ former ministry to and with his disciples. As stated in vss 21-22, the man chosen must be taken from the 120 who had seen, heard, and witnessed Jesus’ ministry. So, the person would need to have integrity, be a witness, and be dedicated to Christ. The passage states that all 120 men were with the disciples since John the Baptist’s baptism and throughout Jesus’ ascension.
What is your second step in making wise decisions?
Do you engage and consult like-minded God-fearing friends?
What ministries or fellowships are you engaged in to help you mature in your faith?
Are you testifying about the goodness of the Lord? Is your spiritual walk consistent? Are you maturing in faith?
Third, Prayer is essential when making important decisions. Heaven is open to God’s people, and God speaks clearly as we lay our request before Him. They proposed two men who were like-minded, Joseph called Barsabas and Matthias. Their prayer comprised:
acknowledging God’s sovereignty in knowing the hearts of men
acknowledging God’s wisdom in knowing their individual hearts
What is your third step in making wise decisions?
Do you offer your request to God for oneness and clarity?
Do you have an even exchange of people who will pray with you concerning your decision?
Do you pray that God’s wisdom would exceed your earthly wisdom and wait for the right answer?
Fourth, they cast their lots to make the final call. Yes, they threw dice! Although secular, especially if it includes money. Today, people throw dice for gambling purposes. We may also flip a coin, etc. It was accustomed for the Hebrews to cast lots to reinforce a specific outcome or verify a decision made. FYI, “A method of decision-making used in ancient times to determine outcomes or make choices. It involved the random selection of an option or allocation of a task by drawing or throwing objects such as stones, dice, or marked sticks. The casting of lots was often employed in religious, legal, or communal contexts, including the allocation of land, the selection of leaders, or the division of spoils” (Cultural Ontology, Logos Factbook).
What are other methods people use to make spiritual decisions?
Do you walk with blind faith? Or do you trust that your decision rests on God's providential care?
Do you listen to the Spirit's still small voice in the matter? He may take you to a specific passage in Scripture to confirm your decision for change.
Do you use the process of elimination? Yes, God is logical! He will clarify what changes need to be made and why.
The beautiful thing about serving the Lord is that we have choices. We can pray that the Lord will bless our choices based on the process and the inclusion of spiritual resources. He will answer our prayers! If we are wise about our decisions and willing to trust His guidance, we will hear from Him and experience His peace.
How will you make present and future decisions?
Lord, I pray that we will consult you about every decision we need to make. You are the Most High, all-knowing God, full of wisdom and truth! Nothing takes you by surprise because You are omnipresent. We pray that You will be glorified as we seek Your Holy name. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Encourage and Be Encouraged!